home> news > Warmly welcome the leaders of Jining Economic Development Zone to visit Hightop Group for investigation and research

Warmly welcome the leaders of Jining Economic Development Zone to visit Hightop Group for investigation and research

Views : 1531 Update time : 2022-05-18

On May 14, Zhu Ruixian, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Jining Economic Development Zone, Xu Gang, member of the Economic Development Zone Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee, and other leaders visited Shandong Hightop Group During the investigation, Jiang Chaoxiang, the general manager of the group, and Zheng Shuai, the workshop director, accompanied the reception.

Shandong Hightop Group mainly produces and operates various types of small crawler excavators, wheeled excavators, remote control lawn mowers and other mechanical equipment, with an annual output of more than 5,000 Taiwan, the main customer groups come from domestic agricultural planting users, construction engineering users, foreign trade export companies, foreign machinery traders, large and medium-sized farmers, etc.

Secretary Zhu Ruixian conducted an on-site inspection and key inspection of the Shandong Hightop Group annual production of 5,000 intelligent equipment manufacturing projects, listened to relevant introductions, and had in-depth exchanges with the person in charge, and learned about the project progress and enterprise development in detail.

In this investigation and investigation, Secretary Zhu Ruixian asked all relevant departments to strengthen their service awareness, conscientiously perform their duties, and continue to do a good job in project tracking services. Create favorable conditions for project construction; adopt various methods to accelerate the revitalization, transformation and upgrading of idle land, workshops and other resources, improve resource utilization efficiency and benefit, and reserve space for enterprise development. Secretary Zhu Ruixian emphasized that all project units should strengthen their confidence in development, keep an eye on the time node, reverse the construction period, and speed up the progress of the project construction; it is necessary to strengthen the management of project quality and safety production, and advance the project on the premise of ensuring quality. Fast construction, fast production, and fast results.